Learning Activities



Day (S) Lesson Materials Assessment 
1and 2 Count and the bones in a skeleton. Skeleton Posters FOSS Worksheet Counting bones  Observation, Worksheet, Investigation Journal
3 and 4 Learn the functions of the bones in their body. FOSS Skeleton puzzles, Paper Fasteners, Zip bags (1liter), Clear tape, Skeleton Posters Observation, Finished Skeleton, Peer Evaluation
5 and 6 Observe similarities and differences in rodent bones compared to human bones. Owl pellets, toothpicks, paper plates, FOSS Worksheets Owl Pellet Observation and rodent Bone Identification, Computer with internet Observation, Worksheets, Investigation  Journal
7 and 8 Read about x-rays and how they are used to determine if a bone is broken or not. FOSS Science Stories "The Broken Radius", Worksheet Worksheet, Peer Evaluation
9 and 10 Discover the importance of joints, and how they work. Masking tape, colored pencils, FOSS Worksheet , Craft sticks, small items to pick up (EX beads, pennies, tacks)  Observation,               Investigation Journal
11 and 12 Be able to name the different types of joints. Sticky notes, Colored pencils, Hinge, Mallet, Spool, Human Skeleton photo, FOSS Worksheet Observation, Worksheet Investigation Journal
13 and 14 Learn how muscles move bones. Dowels, Craft sticks, Rubber tubes, Rubber bands, Paper clips, Worksheet Muscle Names  Observation, Worksheet Investigation Journal
15,16 and 17 Explore how bones, ligaments and, tendons work together. Dowels, Craft sticks, Rubber tubes, Rubber bands, Paper clips, Worksheet Muscle Name, FOSS Leg and Foot poster Quiz
18 and 19

Learn the importance that cartilage plays in the health and function of joints.


FOSS Science stories "A Marvelous Machine" Computers with internet connection Observation, Worksheet Investigation Journal
20 and 21 Lean the importance that balance plays in the body. Plastic cups w/lids, Dowels, Binder clips (small), Sheets of paper, meter tape measure, FOSS worksheet Stimulus/Response Observation, Worksheet Investigation Journal
22 Explore Types of bones Computers with internet connection  Observation
23-25 Final Project Students will be using a number of different materials. It will depend on the type of project they will be doing.  The project will be anything that deals with what they have learned during this unit. Project Rubric

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Extensions - Along with looking at the skeletal system and the muscular system you could take a look at the other eight systems of the body. Adaptations - hearing impaired - give written directions to the student and pair them up with a partner to work on the activities. Physical disabilities- alter the activities to fit the students needs. Learning disabilities - downscale the amount of information that the student will be responsible to learn. Have them concentrate on the more important facts and information and alter test and quizzes to correspond with the information they are learning.